FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)

  • Multiple-Intelligences
    Teaching is focused on developing all areas of multiple intelligence, fostering children’s confidence and a natural love for learning.
  • Best-Value
    Reasonable school fees are offered to help parents in providing the best education for their children, providing optimal learning opportunities at an affordable package.
  • Character Education based on Pancasila
    Our students are equipped with moral values and character development, seamlessly integrated into their daily learning activities across all subjects.

The background of Sekolah Noah is rooted in its role as a model of diversity. The school embodies an authentic blend of Indonesian cultures, where diversity thrives as a fundamental aspect of our identity. Proudly representing numerous ethnicities and religions, Sekolah Noah reflects the richness and complexity of our global society. We embrace the opportunity to foster empathy, tolerance, and cooperation among students from diverse backgrounds, empowering them to navigate a connected world with confidence and respect.

Research shows that smaller class sizes and lower student-teacher ratios help students do better in school. At Sekolah Noah, our maximum student/teacher ratios are as follows :

  1. For Playgroup & Kindergarten.
    • Playgroup Caterpillar 20:3
    • Playgroup Cocoon 22:3
    • Kindergarten A 25:2
    • Kindergarten B 25:2
  2. In Elementary: 27 students with 1 homeroom teacher & 1 teacher assistant.
  3. In Middle School: Each class is led by one teacher, with a maximum of 28 students.

In our school, several anti-bullying programs have been implemented with the aim of raising students’ awareness about the dangers of bullying, both for victims and perpetrators. We organize an annual anti-bullying campaign, involving various activities such as seminars, sharing sessions, discussions, and research. Students actively participate in these activities and produce outputs such as posters, mind maps, and more.

Additionally, we conduct weekly assemblies with students as speakers to discuss character education. The focus is on providing an understanding to students that bullying behavior is not in line with good character. We also carry out daily reinforcement and discussion sessions led by Class Advisors, where one of the topics is the dangers of bullying. This is intended to continuously remind students of the importance of avoiding bullying behavior.

On a more personal level, we involve the Guidance and Counseling (BK) department in efforts to prevent and address bullying. If there are indications of bullying, BK conducts counseling sessions for both the students who bully and those who are bullied. This approach ensures a space for reflection and improvement, helping to create a safe and supportive environment in our school.

Our non-core subjects, such as music and art, are tailored to help students develop their talents through afterschool activities. We are fortunate to have specialist teachers who regularly come in to teach these subjects as part of our schedule.

You can get our school fee information by contacting us on WhatsApp. If you can’t reach us that way, you’re welcome to visit us. However, please schedule a meeting first using this form. Our admission team are available to provide information and answer any questions you may have.